The Brain Matters workshops continue with Eyes Matter.
This course module will help you understand the mechanisms and muscles that give you vision. Study materials include those distributed for Workshop 1, with emphasis on Cranial Nerves related to eyes (2, 3, 4, 6, and 8). 5 additional pages will be provided, detailing structures that are more specific to the eyes.
In Eyes Matter, we will take a closer look at one of the most amazing structures in our bodies: The Vestibular Labyrinth. This system is extremely important for all human performance. It is responsible for keeping us balanced, and safe. It can be damaged in a variety of ways, and it can recover, given proper rehabilitation.
Unfortunately, many of us have weakened vestibular systems, but we have no idea that these are performing poorly. These weakened systems can be the primary cause of poor body movement, injury, and pain, yet healthcare providers rarely evaluate the vestibular apparatus.
This workshop will be movement oriented, combining teaching with application. Comfortable athletic clothing is recommended.
A study guide will be provided for the workshop 10 days before the class, via email. The cost for the workshop is $789. There is space for 20 participants. At check-out, you will need to enter your shipping Information (nothing is shipped; no shipping charges will be applied).
Eyes Matter
The workshop begins at 9:00 AM, and ends at 4:00 PM.
We will have a one hour lunch break. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to pick up workshop materials, and bring a snack!